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Recovery is a very important part of fitness. You must rest and let your body recover from the exercise and stressors of daily life. We have several ways you can benefit from the amenities at Sports Village.



Salt Sauna 

The use of Himalayan Salt in our sauna improves breathing, blood circulation, and helps to relax your body. Sauna use is linked to longer life, with fewer health from heart disease to stroke. Breathing in Himalayan Salt air can help stimulate the respiratory systems natural ability to reduce inflammation and respiratory problems.


How does it work?

Sports Village offers complimentary red light therapy sessions with your membership. Red Light Therapy works by directly stimulating regeneration of the skin. The light emitted by Red Light Therapy penetrates roughly 5 millimeters below the skins surface.

Benefits Include: wound healing and tissue repair, improves hair growth, improves skin complexion, helps to mend sun damage, relieves pain, and much much more. Stop by the front desk to get started. 

Red Light Therapy
Indoor Heated Pool


Salt Water Therapy Pool

Our heated indoor salt water therapy pool is great for swimming laps, doing water aerobics, swim lessons, or just exercise on your own. Our heated pool is open year round and is open for free swim as long as there are no classes going on. You can check the class schedule on this page. 


How does it work?

The steam room has several health benefits that include workout recovery, improved circulation, skin health, reduces stress and burns calories. You should try to use the steam room 2-3 times per week for no more than 10-20 minutes at a time. 

Steam Room
Fascia Release


How does it work?

Make an appointment with our fascia release specialist Jen at the welcome desk. Fascia release can benefit your body, enhance your recovery, and increase your mobility. 


How does it work?

The body composition analyzer goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water, values important for understanding a user’s fluid distribution in medical, wellness, and fitness contexts.

Each InBody Test will print out a full-page results sheet detailing the muscle, fat, and water values of the user. Free for members.

Body Composition
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